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/* ***************************************************************************** Program : HELLO.PRG Launch HELLO.EXE ..........: Just a Minimalist Hello World Sample proggy using NTK RAD Make : MKRAD Hello Date : 09/08/05 ****************************************************************************** */ #include "windows.ch" #include "ntkgdi.ch" #include "ntkmsg.ch" #include "ntkacc.ch" #include "ntkcmd.ch" #include "wNtk.ch" #include "wNtkKeys.ch" Function main() Local hWndDemo Local cWinTitle := "Hello World ! This is my first app. with NTK RAD system..." // minimum Main Window declaration Create Window hWndDemo ; Title cWinTitle Activate Window hWndDemo normal // display the current window and its child controls Auto Handle Events Of Window hWndDemo // start processing background events (animate the current window) Close Window hWndDemo Return
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